Episode 60 – Conversation with Frederik Strom. Developer of Combustion

In this episode I speak with Frederik Strom, developer of upcoming Combustion being published by 3D Realms

0:00 Start

17:30 How Fred got into making games

29:30 Words of wisdom and advice

40:00 Game that made Fred want to make games

50:00 What makes gaming enjoyable to Fred

01:08:30 Hobbies outside of gaming

01:24:00 Wrap up

Check out Fred on Twitter at https://twitter.com/LNorwegians

Check out Slipgate Ironworks on Twitter at https://twitter.com/SlipgateIron

Check Combustion out on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/2145090/Combustion/

Join the Combustion Discord at https://discord.com/invite/Njy3r3b

Episode 58 – Conversation with Ace, currently developing Aikode.

In this episode I speak with Aikode solo developer Ace

0:00 – Introductions

16:15 – How Ace got into making games and words of wisdom from their experience

24:30 – The game that made Ace want to make games

34:00 – Game from their childhood that doesn’t hold up today

40:00 – What does Ace enjoy about video games

43:30 – Game that doesn’t get enough credit

01:07:30 – Hobbies outside of games

01:16:45 – Closing time

To follow/find Aikode across multiple services, check out the flowcode page here https://www.flowcode.com/page/aiko.animation

Episode 51 – Conversation with Scott Slucher and Connor Quinn, from Mega Wobble studios, creator of Lil Gator Game

In this episode I speak with both Scott and Connor from Mega Wobble studios, creator of Lil Gator Game! My first multi-person interview!

0:00 Intro

4:00 Lil Gator Game

10:00 Lessons from the demo

14:00 Lil Gator Game intentions & features

24:30 Being a completionist

33:45 How Scott and Connor found themselves working on a game

43:00 More on the team making the game

1:00:00 The game that made them want to make games

1:16:30 Outside of games hobbies

1:29:00 On the topic of “sugar”

1:40:00 Wrap up

Check out Lil Gator Game on Twitter at https://twitter.com/LilGatorGame

Check Lil Gator Game out on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1586800/Lil_Gator_Game/

Check Lil Gator Game out on the Nintendo E Shop at https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/lil-gator-game-switch/

Support Mega Wobble on Patreon via https://www.patreon.com/lilgatorgame

Check out the Lil Gator Game Discord at https://discord.com/invite/nQDyne8DPC

Check out Lil Gator Game on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/LilGatorGame/

Check out Connor on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ConnorQuothe

Check out Scott on Twitter at https://twitter.com/skslucher

Episode 047 – Conversation with Zan, creator of Hedon Bloodrite

In this episode I speak with Zan, creator of Hedon Bloodrite, and currently working on 2 other upcoming titles

0:00 Intro

2:00 GzDoom as a foundation mixed with advice

13:00 Future projects

21:00 From architecture to game making

41:00 Favorite game as a child: Mil Sims, Serious Sam, Duke3D, car games

53:00 Recent and comfort games

1:05:00 Hobbies outside of gaming

12:30 Wrap up and info

Check out Zan on Twitter at https://twitter.com/hedondev

Grab Hedon Bloodrite from Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1072150/Hedon_Bloodrite/ or on GoG at https://www.gog.com/game/hedon

Support Zan on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/hedon

Ashes 2063 Mod recommendation https://www.moddb.com/mods/ashes-2063

Mr Icarus Doom Mods reviews(?) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgp_adxCQiesfxKYIqIE9yQ

Episode 046 – Conversation with Tim, Blue Key Games

In this episode I speak with Tim from Blue Key Games, currently developing “They Came From Dimension X”

0:00 Intro

3:45 How Tim got into making games and advice from his experiences

19:45 They Came From Dimension X

45:45 Most exciting trend: The Indie Space

54:15 Hobbies outside of games

1:04:45 – Shout Outs/Links/Winding Down

Check out They Come From Dimension X on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/2115890/They_Came_From_Dimension_X/ or on Itch IO at https://bluekeygames.itch.io/they-came-from-dimension-x

Check out Tim (And Blue Key Games) on Twitter at https://twitter.com/bluekeygames

Check out the Blue Key Games Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@bluekeygames

Check out the Blue Key Games Discord at https://discord.com/invite/XAw2a8fQPX

Episode 44 – Conversation with Phil Giarrusso, Pixel Artist and Designer at Tako Boy Studios

In this episode I speak with Phil Giarrusso, Pixel Artist and Designer at Tako Boy Studios and creators of the upcoming title Cross Blitz and previously Candies ‘N Curses as well as Creatures of Aether. As well as a contributor to Flynn Son of Crimson and Shovel Knight Dig

0:00 Intro

05:35 How Phil got into working on games

10:00 Illustrator for pixel art

13:00 Advice for newcomers based on his own experiences

17:00 Favourite childhood games; Fate of Atlantis and other Point & Clicks

22:30 Follow up from point and clicks

25:00 Love of Kingdom Heart series

30:45 Outside hobbies; Working out, cooking, and a puppy

39:30 Cross Blitz and deck building games

48:00 Wrap Up and last thoughts

Check out Phil on Twitter at https://twitter.com/rephildesign

Check out Tako Boy Studio on Twitter at https://twitter.com/takoboystudios

Check out Cross Blitz on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1619520/Cross_Blitz/

Episode 43 – Conversation with Josh Sullivan, project lead at Awe Interactive and creators of Bullets per Minute

In this episode I speak with Josh Sullivan, Project Lead at Awe Interactive and creators of Bullets Per Minute

Start – 03:10 – Intro

03:10 – 6:45 – I ask Josh about a game he might have wanted to make as a child

06:45 – 14:00 – We talk about their BPM game and what looks like a newly blooming genre.

14:00 – 22:45 – Josh talks about what made him want to get into making games

22:45 – 31:45 – We talk about Josh’s favourite games when they were younger

31:45 – 40:00 – We talk about what makes gaming enjoyable to Josh and and what kind of games he might relax with after a hard day

40:00 – 44:00 – Josh talks about what kind of hobbies and things he enjoys outside of gaming

44:00 – End – Wrap up and discussion about their suggested build to help with BPM

Check out Awe Interactive on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AweInteractive

Check out Bullets Per Minute on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BPMGame

Check out Bullets Per Minute on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286350/BPM_BULLETS_PER_MINUTE/

Episode 42 – Conversation with Trapp, programmer at Communion Games and currently making Iowa

In this episode I speak with Trapp, a programmer at Communion Games and currently working on their first commercial game Iowa

Start – 9:00 – Intro and a brief discussion his busy/packed life

9:00 – 27:30 – We talk about how Trapp got into developing and making games and advice they might wish to impart from their experiences

27:30 – 32:45 – We talk about Trapp’s favorite childhood games, and what makes the Halo and Starcraft series some of his favorites.

32:45 – 44:00 – We discuss RTS games more, as well as Halo Wars as it is the cross section of two genres Trapp enjoys.

44:00 – 01:05:00 – We talk about Communion Game’s upcoming game, Iowa.

01:05:00 – 01:10:00 – We talk about what other things Trapp enjoys doing outside of gaming

01:10:00 – End – Wrap up

Check Trapp out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/CommunionGames

Check out Trapp’s TikTok at

Check out the Communion Games Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQUKct7f7v2QB138B4PDDSw

Check out Elegant Crow, the other member of Communion Games at https://mobile.twitter.com/elegantcrowcg

Episode 41 – Conversation with Thomas Altenburger, game director at Flying Oak Games, makers of Scourge Bringer and NeuroVoider

In this episode I speak with Thomas Altenburger, game director at Flying Oak Games, creators of Scourge Bringer, and Neuro Voider.

Start – 08:45 – Intro and a discussion of game feel

08:45 – 22:15 – We talk about how and why Thomas got into making games and advice he can share to those looking to get into the industry based on his own experiences

22:15 – 32:45 – We talk about Thomas’s first introduction to gaming and what kind of games he enjoyed with his favorite game from that era being Super Metroid.

32:45 – 45:40 – We talk about what Thomas finds enjoyable about gaming

45:40 – 53:00 – Thomas discusses non-gaming related hobby and pineapple pizza.

53:00 – End – Wrap up

Check Thomas out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mrhelmut

Check out Flying Oak Games on Twitter at https://twitter.com/FlyingOakGames

Check out all things Flying Oak related at their linktree https://linktr.ee/flyingoak

Check out the Global Game Jam https://globalgamejam.org/

And the BBQ Game Jam https://www.bbq.extra-coin.org/

Episode 34 – Conversation with Anton Hand, VR Dev at Rust LTD, creative lead of Hot Dogs, Horsehoes & Hand Grenades

In this episode I speak with Anton Hand, VR Dev, creators of Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades (H3VR).

Start – 4:00 – Intro

4:00 – 7:45 – Anton asks the hard question of “Why hotdogs?”

7:45 – 17:30 – We talk about how Anton got started in the industry starting with modelling and older VR.

17:30 – 23:45 – Anton shares a little advice to get into the industry based on his experiences for 3D Arts with games

23:45 – 34:00 – We talk about why Descent 2 was his favorite game as a child and how all of that sort of bled into aspirations/inspired and such for H3VRs design principles and what not

34:00 – 47:00 – We talk about Escape from Tarkov, a game that Anton enjoys that he feels doesn’t get enough credit/attention. Inevitably leading to a discussion about the game philosophy that focuses more on letting you, the player do whatever you would like.

47:00 – 54:30 – I find out what kind of game Anton would make if money and time weren’t a concern

54:30 – – Anton talks outside hobbies and what he enjoys unrelated to gaming.

Check out Anton on Twitter at https://twitter.com/AntonHand

Check H3VR out on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/450540/Hot_Dogs_Horseshoes__Hand_Grenades/

Check out Anton and the other Rusties (As he put it!) at https://rustltd.com/